Latest News
We have already completed a survey research in 6 European countries: the United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Poland. Over 900 companies participated in the survey! Thank you all very much for your answers. We have also already sent you all the certificates and posted the descriptions of the companies on the project website. In case you have not received a certificate or a description on the project website, please contact us: (I will answer e-mails in early September).
Wir haben bereits eine Umfrage in 6 europäischen Ländern durchgeführt: im Vereinigten Königreich, in Deutschland, Finnland, Schweden, der Tschechischen Republik und Polen. Über 900 Unternehmen haben sich an der Umfrage beteiligt! Wir danken Ihnen allen sehr für Ihre Antworten. Wir haben Ihnen auch bereits alle Zertifikate zugeschickt und die Beschreibungen der Unternehmen auf der Projektwebsite veröffentlicht. Falls Sie kein Zertifikat oder keine Beschreibung auf der Projektwebsite erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns: (ich werde E-Mails Anfang September beantworten).
Vi har redan genomfört en undersökning i sex europeiska länder: Storbritannien, Tyskland, Finland, Sverige, Tjeckien och Polen. Över 900 företag deltog i undersökningen! Tack så mycket till er alla för era svar. Vi har också redan skickat alla intyg till er och lagt ut beskrivningarna av företagen på projektets webbplats. Om ni inte har fått något intyg eller någon beskrivning på projektets webbplats, vänligen kontakta oss: (jag kommer att besvara e-postmeddelanden i början av september).
Olemme jo saaneet valmiiksi kyselytutkimuksen kuudessa Euroopan maassa: Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa, Saksassa, Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Tšekin tasavallassa ja Puolassa. Tutkimukseen osallistui yli 900 yritystä! Kiitämme teitä kaikkia paljon vastauksistanne. Olemme myös jo lähettäneet teille kaikille todistukset ja julkaisseet yritysten kuvaukset hankkeen verkkosivustolla. Jos ette ole saaneet todistusta tai kuvausta hankkeen verkkosivuille, ottakaa yhteyttä: (vastaan sähköposteihin syyskuun alussa).
Aktuální zprávy
Již jsme dokončili průzkum v šesti evropských zemích: ve Velké Británii, Německu, Finsku, Švédsku, České republice a Polsku. Průzkumu se zúčastnilo více než 900 společností! Všem vám velmi děkujeme za vaše odpovědi. Všem jsme již také zaslali certifikáty a zveřejnili popisy společností na webových stránkách projektu. V případě, že jste neobdrželi certifikát ani popis na webových stránkách projektu, kontaktujte nás prosím: (na e-maily budu odpovídat začátkem září).
Zakończyliśmy badanie ankietowe w 6 krajach europejskich: Wielka Brytania, Niemcy, Finlandia, Szwecja, Czechy i Polska. W badaniu wzięło udział ponad 900 przedsiębiorstw! Bardzo dziękujemy wszystkim za udzielone odpowiedzi. Wysłaliśmy też już do Państwa wszystkie certyfikaty oraz zamieściliśmy opisy firm na stronie projektu. W przypadku, gdybyście Państwo nie otrzymali certyfikatu lub opisu na stronie projektu prosimy o kontakt: (na maile odpowiem na początku września).
About the project
The aim
The aim of the project is to develop an integrated and dynamic conceptual model of key meta-rules, determinants and effects of opportunity-based approach to innovation management in small business (SMEs) as well as its operationalization and empirical verification based on expert research as well as quantitative and qualitative analyses conducted on a sample of SMEs from selected European countries.
Research methods
- Expert research using the Delphi method to verify the theoretical assumptions and operationalization of the conceptual model.
- Quantitative survey research on a sample of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises from 6 selected European countries representing various levels of innovativeness potential: the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
- Qualitative case study research on the sample of SMEs innovation leaders from the Czech Republic and Poland. The objective is to identify leading patterns for opportunity-based approach to innovation management.
Funding source
This research project is fully financed from the funds of the
National Science Centre, Poland.
Project no. 2015/17/B/HS4/00988
Project duration
The project is implemented between 2016-2021.
Research team
Legal disclaimer
The participation in this project is completely voluntary and free of any charges for enterprises. We are fully financed by National Science Centre, Poland and we do not need any additional funds. Therefore, we do not charge any fees/commissions for participation in this project.
The project is fully non-commercial. It does not involve promotion of any products/services, any product-placement activities or any other marketing activities. Our aim is only to present the companies that took part in the survey research by obtaining their voluntary permission to place their data on the project website and provide a certificate confirming participation in the survey research.
We are not focused on collecting, processing or sharing any personal data. Participation in the survey research may be completely anonymous. However, companies that would like to present their data on the project website and/or receive a certificate confirming participation in the survey are asked to provide their company name, registered office address, website address and e-mail. These data are of purely organizational nature. in the case of entrepreneurs – individual persons, consent to the processing of personal data is required.
The project is of scientific nature only. The results of the survey research will be presented in an aggregated form only without giving the name of specific companies.
Contact details
Project manager
Assoc. Prof. Marek Matejun, Ph.D., Ds.C.
Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy
Faculty of Management, University of Lodz
mobile: +48 609 886 711
Project Head Office
Department of Management
Faculty of Management and Production Engineering
Lodz University of Technology
Piotrkowska 266, PL-90-924 Lodz, Poland
Office of the Department:
mail:, phone: +48 42 631 37 62